Computer being an exploring device has its adventages and disadvantages depending upon its usage.
are the electronic devices. They are gradually but steadily creeping into our
lives. Our work and complexion including our thinking has been changed by
computers. Now-a-days computers are used in several fields. Even bills are
prepared by computers. Today scientist, engineers, musicians, teachers,
accountants, soldiers, businessmen, bankers and almost everybody belonging to
any field of life are using them in their day to day work.
The most valuable, exact and wide-ranging
devices are computers today and nothing else, they are our means of acquiring knowledge
on any topic. It provides the details of our suggested books written by any author
on any topic. Computer has made our life easy and simple. We read different
books and newspapers through net .One can easily predict its fast flourishment
in our lives in few years. We will come into contact with this quick and
intellectual electronic brain in every institution and organization, on the way
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